Tuesday, July 3, 2007

TMI #90 (Ms. Nice)

1. Describe your first kiss. David~ It was near this lil creek. There was a lot of anticipation. What can I say a late bloomer but a FAST learner. He primed my pump but didn't get to take a test drive... he he he!

2. Should a person's pubic hair be trimmed, shaved, or just grown out as the jungle God intended it to be? I am liking the shaved/trimmed look on my man. Nothing makes me lose the moment faster than hair in my mouth... also makes the balls rather nice to suck on. For me I feel better when I am groomed.

3. What's the best super-hero comic book movie ever made? Spidey/XMEN I cannot decide but Spidey is definitely the more flexi of the stars so I guess Spiderman would be my winner.

4. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi but like coke with some spicy rum.

5. Have you ever been caught masturbating? Yes, all the time... Mr. N likes to watch and then get involved.

6. Which way do you lean your head when going for a kiss? Usually to the right or really anyway I can get one, I like to kiss.

7. Jockstraps, sexy or no? Never seen a man in a jockstrap, but I am going to go with NO.

Bonus (as in optional): Have you ever used the excuse, "Oh, I was so drunk that night, I don't remember a THING!" Um is that an excuse, that was a reality for me, once upon a time. I am glad my girlfriends had my back... I kissed a lot of people I never met before and it probably would have gone further. Thanks Ames! On the other hand it is a GREAT excuse.

Happy TMI!


Bunny said...

Mine likes to watch too!

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) TMI! :o)